

My Gran'ma died yesterday...


I have to go sign her cremation papers in 3 hours...



Wanting to Go Go dance.
Shaved my head.
Wanting to go see the Jim Rose Circus.
Wonder if I'll ever stop dropping the playstation controller in fright.

A Haiku!

Fatal Frame Scares Me.
My Pants Are Filled With Feces.
I Love/Hate This Game.


Only have a few quick moments to blog before I lay me down to sleep. I have spent most of my evening clutching my beanbag chair in utter horror. Fatal Frame has me whimpering like a whipped puppy. Ye gods, it got so bad I actually had to make Alicia play while I quivered and twitched for the sake of my wee little asian heroine. I mean, seriously.. I was so freaked by a video game that I couldn't play the video game.... the video game. I have to keep telling myself this. It's unreal how effective turning off the lights are to play.

One other noteworthy piece of news. My friend Jamie was drinkin' at the Jolly Inn by my place an' I saw 'im whilst I sat down on me back porch to have a smoke. Well.. some dood drove up an' flipped us some shit out've his car window, an' Jamie promptly kicks his ass. Now, the last time I got into a fight, it wasn't even really a fight... altho it did involve a shovel... but since then I've had the most mild mannered of drinking experiences. So.. anyways.. it was pretty rad, altho Jamie did break his pinky finger... eh.. I had just posted the graphic underneath to promote the website... but, honestly, that's a pretty good look at what Jamie was doin' to that guy'z face against his own Toyota 4runner.



Wow... what can I say? I'm sorry? It's been over two weeks since my last entry and quite a lovely bunch of coconuts these past two weeks have been. I am now straddling the interweb on my super slick cable modem. Sort've an executive decision after my old ISP finally, almost 3 years after I quit, figured out I was still using one of their employee accounts. (Insert impish cackle here)

Recently I procured a copy of Flash, so hopefully soon my blog is gonna start lookin' a little more "Hip" for the kids of today. Maybe I'll add some of that "Wicka Wicka" music they like. I honestly have pretty much no clue how to run the program, so it'll be a miracle if I can actually create something that doesn't look like a pile of dog crap sliding down the side of a crack house.

In other news..... it was recently brought to the eye of this websurfer that Susan Powter, infamous for her "Stop the Insantiy!" series of weight loss cassettes, has upgraded from flat chested butch lezbo to really hot flat chested butch lezbo. This has me both emotionally and sexually confused... the only way I can possibly communicate the way I'm feeling to you is thru this picture of Mr T. and Joey Lawrence looking at the very same website.

That's all for now, kids. Godspeed.