
Hey kids!

Thanks to my good friend Joshua, I've added the coolest most awesome feature to my Blog. If I may kindly direct your attention to the link over on the left hand side of your screen, you will now notice the Shizzolate! option. Basically, I have added this feature for your benefit. Whenever you find a post of mine boring, shizzolate that shit!

You may not have known this, but Snoop Dogg works tirelessly twenty four hour a day personally reading and then re-editing web pages. He's actually capable of typing 1,945 words a minute and he has eight arms with fifteen fingers on each hand.


"I got somethin' better than love"



There's a dance party in my head, and everyone's invited! EVEN STINKY UNCLE STAN!


I'VE GOT CHEETOS AND A HALF RACK OF BEER AND MY CAPS LOCK IS UNCONTROLLABLE! It's walkin' down Compton with a chip on it's shoulder and a vanilla milkshake screamin', "HOW YOU LIKE ME NOW?"



Keep breathin'

Well, the time has finally come. Last nite, after what was probably my worst rendition of Hell, I've decided to retire it from my Karaoke repertoire. It's a sad day that's come, but I haven't sung the "hell" out've it since my first drunken attempt.

I'm listening to Street Spirit for the first time in awhile and remembering how I'd listen the hell out've it when me and Alicia broke up for a whole day and a half. Reflection on past melodrama makes me smile.

I'm adjusting more and more to this whole full time gig. My new supervisor is wicked awesome. OH YEAH... when I answered the phone today, some jackass from New York asked if I was from Canada. What the fuck? People, those who know and love me, c'mon. Do I sound Canadian? For some reason I was viciously offended by the inflection of his voice when he asked.


I'm kinda weirded out by the comfortability of my current relationship status. I've been with Alicia almost two years... I don't think I've ever spent two consecutive Holidays with any one girlfriend. I came home ungodly loaded a few nights ago. Every other word out've my mouth was "fuckin' bullshit". Now, for those of you who don't know Dave when he's had about four pints of vodka and cran plus countless pints of beer, I tend to say "fuckin' bullshit" a lot. Your average conversation tends to wind up like, "mumble mumble mumble.... FUCKIN' BULLSHIT, MAN.... mumble mumble mumble". I never mean it in a truly negative connotation, I just use it like a sort've period in my sentence structure. Anyway, I was in fuckin' bullshit mode when I came home, and apparently I told Alicia, and I quote, "When we get married, we're gonna have lots've babies". Well... it probably came out more like, "Wheh we geh mahrrid, we'z gonna have lotsa b*hic* lotsa b*hic* lotsa babies". I recall none of this conversation, and would still be skeptical of such things if it wasn't for the fact that I don't think Alicia is capable of telling me such an outlandish lie. Therefore, it has to be true. Anyhow, you know it's impossible to be sly or secretive when you're drunk, and your more honest (and usually misguided) thoughts tend to spill out like some kind've subconscious leak in your brain. But, I digress. It's good. Things are good. I worry sometimes about marriage, but y'know what? That's fuckin' bullshit.