
Nostalgia is running thick this Saturday morning. I was randomly doing searches on Google for things related to my past. Previous AOL or Yahoo! screen names from eight years ago, friends, etc; here's what I dug up.

A Badtz Maru skin for Yahoo! Messenger when I used to go under NyteKroe.
Found out that Dr. Gamewiz, father of my first online crush and founder of one of the first video game message boards for AOL, died of cancer.
Lord BBH
Random pictures of my first girlfriend (Yuffie).
Amy! Oh Amy... wow... she's married.. and pregnant.. and owns her own home...

Can't find Klazies, found dWoh (Even remembered his last name), can't find NOATravis.

Wow.. this is kinda depressing.. it makes me wonder... who am I now? I was:

The Qwert, CopperCrow, NyteKroe, AquaKroe, BlindRook, Sandman, RocketBoy... so many faces.. and those are only the ones I can remember...


Hulk MAD!

wELL THIS.. oops... caps lock.. okay, strike that, rewind.


Well this is lame! For one reason or another, Yahoo! has decided to take me off their search engine! Mostly, I'm kinda peev'd cuz by nature I'm a lazy, lazy fellow and instead of writing down my blog site or reciting the address only to be forgotten, I tell everyone to just do a search for my name on the 'net. This is great for at least two things.

A.) Curious people whom I haven't heard from in ages can easily find me by simply searching my name.
2.) I never carry a pen.

/\-------You sunk my Battleship!

Crap. Anyways, I guess I'll have to resubmit my page... maybe this time I'll spam every search engine with my good name. On the flip side, I found out I was linked by a complete stranger! That just made my day. Somehow, someway, someone stumbled on my POS and thought it was kewl enough to link from their site.

Okay.... O.K...... oh-kay....

I'm takin gf ive MInutses to pUTd own the GAMECUBEcont roller and taki n g c a r e oF tHe eSSeNTialsbeforeipass o u t.



Well isn't this a fine how-do-you-do. How the !@#$ am I supposed to decide upon a caption contest winner if my freakin' comment server is down? Looks like the deadline has been extended indefinately folks, so if you were drunk when the deadline hit like I was, looks like you've still got some time to enter for that free cigarette.

Today I will be fullfilling my destiny and stopping by Electronic Boutique for Super Mario Sunshine. OH HEY! I was playing Resident Evil last nite, and Jason, if you're reading this: BURN THE ZOMBIES. Torch those mutha efferz whenever possible. The rotting bags of feces come back like a heart attack and start leapin' around to chomp on yer face. It's really annoying. If you're already well aware of the mental anguish they induce after they turn into red headed... meat.... headed... bitey things, lemme know if they still come back after you kill 'em with a handgun, or if that's their last hurrah.


A Haiku!

Super Mario!
Pint sized Italian plumber,
can't get no action.

So, the new installment of the Mario dynasty will be hitting stores in less than a week. I, being the sick addict I am, plan to visit my local Electronics Boutique the day of launch. I imagine I'll have to wade thru a fair share of twelve year olds and pasty geeks such as myself to pick it up, but it'll be well worth being punched in the nuts by a screaming Japanese kid just because I took a Chinese cut in line. Prudence dictates I should wait until I've at least finished Resident Evil before spending more money on new video games, but I'm gonna have to go with my heart on this one. And my heart sayz, "Charge it."

In other news, I spent Tuesday evening drinking heavily with my friend Matt. We started out at Jimmy Lee's, completely unaware that Tuesdays are Marconi's nite to drop in and overtake the bar with himself and his followers. I have absolutely nothing against the guy, honestly he seems fairly nice and he touched my ass that night, so I can't hold too much against him... but we were just trying to have a few quiet drinks and his sauced cronies were getting on my nerves. Plus Anna Nichole Smith's TeeVee show was on... I've woken up a city block with my night terrors induced by the retinal burn caused by the flapping fatty tissue of her ham-like arms.

Uh oh... clam chowders ready. To make a long story short, we got drunk at my house and played Super Monkey Ball. The end.


I'm just a little disturbed about the, "I'm sure a lot of men will be looking at Sooty with envy" part... is there a great deal of beastiality involving Guinea Pigs in South Wales?
I'm almost this happy. Rumor has it that I will no longer be doing outbound collections as soon as Sept. 11th.

Please God, please God please God.


Okay, so yesterday I received a few more pictures from my birthday party a few weeks back, and I would like to throw out a "Caption Contest" of sorts. If you live in the Portland Metro area I will offer you one free cigarette, or the fourty five cent equivilant to those non smokers who would like to enter. The above picture needs to be captioned, and you can submit your entries via the "Comments" field located directly beneath. The winner will receive one cigarette and the hearty appreciation of those small people who enjoy making fun of me. The deadline for this will be Friday, August Twenty Third, so put on your thinking caps kids!


Bahahaha!! Treasures! Even better than the Gold Box, I have found priceless memories from a costume party thrown at my old house last October. Here, for your viewing.. umm... "delight" are those very pictures.


Yay! Sweet, sweet productivity. Spent some time today making the ol' Blog look a li'l' better, as well as sprucing up the house an' doin' a little laundry. Shall round out the day with a twilight walk along the waterfront and mayhaps take a go at Resident Evil.
Things that I wish were free:

A decent vacuum cleaner.
Strawberry milk.
Shipping and handling.


Finally got a little work done on Four and 20 Blackbirds. I have an entire page written. It may not seem like much, but goddam it's a start.
I'm training at work for a new system that won't be implimented for at least 30 days... this seems a bit illogical, but hey, I don't have to make any phone calls for a few days.
My Mr. T. Chia head has begun to sprout!! Oh joyous day, if my mental calculations are correct, he should have a full head of hair in roughly one week and three days.
I can't believe I haven't posted in nearly a week.. honestly, I think one of the highlights was mid Sunday when I realized, after finishing a bottle of Night Train, that I was indeed drunk.. and it only cost two ninty nine.

Here's a poem about how hot it is today.

I went outside today, and what did I see?
A pan-fried squirrel lookin' back at me.
He wasn't really lookin', cuz he didn't have eyes,
and he probably was stinky cuz he was covered in flies.
Oh it's hot as fuck and I just want a beer,
it's hot as fuck but there's no beer here.
Yes it's hot as fuck and quarter past eleven,
said it's hot as fuck and I ain't in heaven.
No i ain't in heaven, said I ain't in heaven
More of my weekend is filtering thru my brain as I sit here and space out. Went to go see The Vines Saturday nite over at Dante's. The show was quite kick ass, and they did a bitchin' cover of Ms. Jackson by Outkast, but I have to say I really, really enjoyed the opening band. They're called OK go and inspired an idea entitled by my friend Joshua as "Rock Market". It's a sort've play on the stock market. If you find an up and coming band that you like an' think'll go huge, you buy Rock Stock. If the band gets huge, you make money. If they don't, well.. you don't make any money but you're supporting a band you love. Huh? Huh? Friggin' genius.
There's a light at the end of the tunnel.

Good news was issued at my place of employment. I'm listening to "Joyride" right now by Roxette and feeling giddy with anticipation. As I've mentioned in previous posts, I hate making collection phone calls. I hate it so very, very much. However, last week it was announced that the call center I work in will no longer be making outbound phone calls. It's scheduled to be phased out towards the end of the year, and we will be replacing those jobs with process and research stuff. Basically what this means is that I will no longer be talking to customers, and that makes me so, so happy.

There's no actual news that's happened to me, per say, but you need to check out this most amazing encounter my friend Megan witnessed one day along the Portland waterfront. She was there with a few friends, one of which had a recording device and another happened to have a digital camera (Which has convinced me to never leave the house without these things). Anyways, whilst they were out and about enjoying a wonderful summer day, they encountered a certain individual who was either an alien visitor from another planet or completely torqued on methamphetamines. You may visit this wonderful transcript of events here.


Man, what a slow week. Time is just kind've oozing like cold honey. I need to begin writing for Four and Twenty Blackbirds, but I keep getting sidetracked with friends and booze and drugs. It's hard to type with a beer in one hand and a bong in the other.

My friend Dave tried to give me a good idea for a story... something about a terrorist who joins the foreign legion... I just can't make it work in my head. Pretty much the only idea I think I can work with is a kleptomaniac who works store security. We'll see...

In other news, I finally freakin' beat Fatal Frame last nite. God-DAMN I love/hate playing that friggin' scary assed game. I'm going to take the wretched thing back to Electronics Boutique today and trade it in towards a copy of Resident Evil. Zombies I can handle. They can't walk thru walls.

Tomorrow I will be cleaning out what's left of the beer from the party on Saturday. My trusty friends Dave, Ryein and Eric will be put to the task of this spring cleaning alongside yours truly and Alicia. It needs to be done. There's a pony keg left that hasn't even been tapped, and by GOD... it will be drained.