
::Listening to Nancy Sinatra::

"I updated my blog today..

I typed a lot with little to say..

Bang. Bang.

I wanted a Coke..

Bang. Bang.

I stubbed my toe..

Bang. Bang."

Okay, so I check my Blog religiously (Mmmm... maybe as religiously as a struggling Catholic.. about once every month, and only when I think there's something in it for me) to see if there's been a random comment or whatnot. Y'know, peek in just to make sure all the dustbunnies have happily gone forth to multiply the lands. Generally I have no ambition to post. This is partially due to the fact that my image server had apparently gone tits up, and I'm much too lazy to attempt to find a new one.

For some unexplainable reason this is not the case anymore.

Today I make my monthly spot check only to find that the pictures I had so lovingly placed ages ago had somehow magically reappeared.

As if by Satan.

And if Satan put 'em there, it's gotta be time for me to jump back in the saddle, right? I mean seriously, we're talking about Satan here. Whose going to argue with Satan? Not me! That's for damn sure!

So, over the next few days, I think I'll make an effort to update this blog. Mainly to give those who might still have it bookmarked a reason to feel good about their hopeless lives as a useless packrat.